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Best Domain Researcher Software In Market 2019

Good business starts with a cool domain name. After you come up with an idea for your website name, you head to a domain registrar to check if it is available for registration. It is very likely that the domain name has already been registered. In such case, you may have to use a next-best name,for example,storename0.com,storename1.com,etc, or append a random letter to the best name, if you want a short domain name. The problem is that you have to type these names and search them manually, which is time-consuming and boring. You need a domain name generator that can generate names according to a pattern or a scheme. Domain Researcher(DR) is such a domain name maker with many generation methods. For example, you can use the “Limited Regular Expression” method and specify a regex: storename.\.com. After clicking the “generate” button, Domain Researcher will generate all .com names that are the combination of the word “storename” and a random character(digit or letter) in a blink. As a domain name suggestion tool, Domain Researcher provides many options for you to get good domain name ideas. As a domain name helper, Domain Researcher can also check the availability of the generated domain names.

Fist, choose a name generating algorithm from the top combox. Currently, there are 3 methods to generate domain names:”limited regular expression”, “regular expression”, and “word combination”. The most used one is the “limited regular expression” domain name generator. If you use this scheme, you need to specify a string called “limited regular expression” in the box below. The “limited regular expression” is a pattern from which the suggestion tool generates a lot of variants. For example, in the limited regular expression “shopname.\.com”, the first “.” means any character. This pattern instructs DR to generate all domain names such as shopname0.com,shopname1.com, shopname2.com,…,shopname9.com, shopnamea.com,shopnameb.com,…,shopnamez.com. You may wonder why there is a back slash before the second “.”. Well, the two characters “\.” represent only one actual character “.” before “com” because we have used “.” to represent any character, i.e., “.” has special meaning other than its literal meaning, and if you want a literal “.”, you must prefix a “\” before it, otherwise DR could not differentiate the ordinary literal “.” from the “.” with the special implication. We’ve known that “.” in limited regular expression represents a single “any character”. Apart from that, you can also use other characters with special meanings. For example, you can use “\d” to denote any digit(0,1,…,9). If you specify a string “shopname\d\.com”, DR will generate shopname0.com, shopname1.com,…, shopname9.com. “\v” in limited regular expression means any vowel character(aeiou). So “shopname\v\.net” will generate shopnamea.net,shopnamee.net,shopnamei.net,shopnameo.net,shopnameu.net. Similarly, “\c” means any constant character(one of bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz). “?” means the character preceding it may or may not occur. For example,”storename?\.org” will generate storename.org and storenam.org. “[]” means one of the characters listed in the square brackets. For example, “storename[abc]\.com” will generate storenamea.com,storenameb.com,storenamec.com. You can even specify a range in []. For example, “storename[0–9]\.com” will generate storename0.com, storename1.com, …, storename9.com(using “storename\d\.com” generates the same results). “{min,max}” means the character preceding it will occur at least min times and at most max times. For example, “businessname8{1,3}\.com” will generate businessname8.com, businessname88.com, businessname888.com.

If you are a programmer, you must know using special characters is the essential of regular expression. However, not all special characters are supported here, that is why it is called “limited regular expression”. We do have a “regular expression” option that supports almost all regular expression syntax. If you use the “regular expression” as the domain name spinner, you must specify a regular expression, and a maximum length of the generated names. This scheme is very slow and rarely used in practice.

After choosing the generation method and specifying a “limited regular expression”(or “regular expression”), click the “Generate” button, DR will make all domain names according to the pattern you specified. The results are listed in the table below. The table has two columns, the first column is the domain name while the second column is the status of the domain name. The status is initially “NC”, which means “Not Checked”. You can click the “Check” button to check if the domain names are available for registration. Domain names that can be registered change their status to “A”. The available domain names are also listed in the bottom box. Domain names that have already been registered change the status to “NA”. If there were errors during the check, the status will be “ERR”. You can re-check those “ERR” domain names later. You can also click the “Copy” button to copy the generated domain names to clipboard, and paste them somewhere on your domain registrar’s website to do the domain name search.

Checking the availability of domain names may take a long time. You can use cache to speed up the process. If the “use cache” option is checked, DR won’t communicate with domain registrar’s server to check domain unless it is not in the cache. The cache file is named “cache” in the installation directory. As time passing, the cache file may get big, or the information in it becomes outdated, in that case, you can click the “Clear Cache” button to empty it

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