Is PopJam a safe alternative to Youtube for kids?

Is your child a vlogger or are you looking for an alternative to YouTube for kids? Given the inappropriate content found on YouTube, Superawesome a new startup that aims to solve this problem…


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Weddings are the Most Special Celebration

And the buck stops with the caterer

Photo by Monica Smith on Unsplash

It was a very hot humid evening after a long day of cooking, preparing, packing the van, unpacking, setting up, reheating, serving, taking down, cleaning up and repacking to serve 250 people. We, my daughter and a friend who’d been helping us, were sitting in the van in the air conditioning waiting for a tactful opportunity to scoot through the back door of the hall to get paid. My daughter and her friend giggled as we watched an amazing scene unfolding in the parking lot.

Much of the bridal party was- sort of- assembled on the gravel driveway, at least several young women, likely the bride’s best friends and some of their partners/dates. Imagine a roiling mass of angry human bodies, clad in puffy pastel-colored very expensive gowns of tulle and chiffon, long hair flowing. They rolled around on the ground, pulling each other’s hair, shouting insults and letting out a lively stream of curses. Their boyfriends were trying to separate them and create some kind of order in the chaos, but one got too close and was knocked to the ground, others rushed to help him and got entangled, too.

I waited until the path to the door was clear and hurried into the building to find the father of the bride and get my final payment for the affair. And maybe alert him to the battle outside. Just another day’s work.

In my ten year career, along with numerous celebrations of all different kinds, I was hired to cook for the receptions of more than 27 couples about to be married. Weddings were the most stressful, and challenging, I guess because the bridal couple (and their families) often had very high expectations for the event. Many of them were very anxious about the affair. Often there was not a clear sense of who was in charge.

Of course, the whole celebration is somehow connected to the future of the marriage, at least according to some ways of thinking. Therefore it becomes critical that things go well. And often the caterer bears the…

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